September 2, 2024
Hunters Glen Supplimental HOA Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting time 5pm, at the Zuniga residence
HOA Board Members in attendance: Sydney Zuniga, Jamie Young, Elsie Patrick, Tom Carli
Absent: Norm Stugill, Ron Deady, Stephanie Mcdaniel
Guests in attendance: Stephanie Childress, Tim Patrick, Maggie Carli
New Business:
Other Business:
Next HOA Board Meeting set for October 28, 2024 at 5:00pm
Meeting adjourned at 6:00 pm.
Hunters Glen HOA Annual Meeting Minutes – August 22, 2024
Asphalt re-seal of private drive/walkway and trail bollard replacement
Remind neighbors of repeated issues throughout HOA
HOA fees
Fall/winter reminders.
All meetings are opening the Homeowners, held every other month at the Post Falls Library once open again, currently they are being held at private residence – information on when can be found on the website;
General questions:
July 8th, 2024 Hunters Glen HOA Board Meeting Minutes
Metting started @ 5:30 pm, at the Young Residence
HOA Board Members in attendance: Sydney Zuniga, Jamie Young, Stephanie McDaniel, Tom Carli
Old Business:
1. Estimate for Private Drive resurfacing: Various estimates were provided to the meeting attendees. They were quite expensive. Further discussions required.
· Update: New estimate was reviewed. - Vote to move forward.
· Vote was held. NW Parking Lot Services’ bid was approved.
· Jamie Young to call them and schedule the repairs.
· Sydney will advise homeowners on the private drive.
New Business:
1. Illegal fireworks. From “Lynn”.
· Emailed regarding complaint that this is not an HOA issue.
· This is a city issue.
2. PENDING: Mr. Valliant has a question via email regarding the HOA dues invoice. Elsie to provide update. Prior years’ shortage is the issue. Elsie to advise.
3. New Homeowners. Stephanie M. to send a Welcome letter.
· 4580 Weatherby – closes 7.31
4. PENDING: Email from Daniel Fisk regarding approval for solar panels. (Need to dig up email). Stephanie M. could not locate email. I checked again and there was no follow-up from Mr. Fisk.
5. RESOLVED:Ms. Chase @673 Widgeon stated that she will be closing her business and will be attending the meeting. This issue is resolved from the HOA’s perspective. They need to solve it themselves at this point.
Other Business:
1. Neighborhood Garage Sale: Date postponed, should this still be done this year?
· Advertising via sandwich boards, etc.
· 3rd Saturday of June and annually thereafter.
2. Elsie Patrick will be stepping down as Treasurer. Tom will ask Maggie if she would like to step in. Rules discussion.
· There will be at least one spot open on the board.
3. Mailbox keys. Resolved? Jamie is grabbing the HOA mail.
4. 4759 Mossberg. Stephanie to contact owner re: empty house, lawn maintenance, etc.
5. 755 Ithaca – constant violations regarding the blocking of the sidewalks.
6. Annual meeting - Reminders
· No customer-based home businesses
· Obey speed limit.
· Visitor guidance
· Cross country meets at Kiwanis on 8.24.2024.
· Fall/winter reminders.
· BBQ hot dogs and hamburgers for 30 people. Sydney will check with Norm regarding use of his property space. Everyone is bringing a dessert. Sydney will print signs.
7. Miscellaneous.
Meeting adjourned: 6:30 p.m.
May 6, 2024th Hunters Glen HOA Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting time: 5:30 p.m. @ Zuniga Residence
HOA Board Members in attendance: Sydney Zuniga, Jamie Young, Stephanie McDaniel, Tom Carli, Norm Sturgill, Elsie Patrick
Guests: Tyler Vranich
Old Business:
1. ON HOLD: Landscaping estimate for entry sign area: This issue was placed on hold until Spring. A comment was made to consider a $5,000 ceiling (internal).
· There were also thoughts that a neighborhood committee/volunteers might be a less expensive solution.
o Aspen Nursery was mentioned as a business that might provide discounts or reasonable pricing for the plants, etc.
o Northland Nursey will provide discounts for this project as well. - Pending
2. Estimate for Private Drive resurfacing: Various estimates were provided to the meeting attendees. They were quite expensive. Further discussions required. This issue is also on hold until Spring.
· Discuss further options based on discussion with lawyer on 2/29. Elsie to provide update
· Update: New estimate was reviewed.
3. 673 S. Widgeon Street: Tutoring Services: “Tater Tot Tutoring”. RESOLVED
· Give update regarding discussion with lawyer on 2/29. May update: Ms. Chase stated in a recent email that she would shutter her business. To be discussed. Messrs. Estes and Ottaviana sent an email and letter, respectively, regarding having a lawyer/representative present at this meeting. If the business is indeed shuttered, there is no longer an issue to be discussed.
4. Trashcan violations: 533 Ithaca - RESOLVED, 5020 Mossberg Circle - RESOLVED. and 4650 Mossberg Circle – NOT RESOLVED (Lloyd Lazarus ‘ house)
5. Send out “Spring Reminders” to all residents/property owners. SENT
· New residents/property owners need to be sent this? Stephanie M. will combine Spring Reminder and Welcome Letters into one.
6. Hunters Glen/Pinevilla boundary fence: Lawyer still looking into with the County; City did not have any determining information. To be discussed. Elsie P. updated that the fence belongs to the HOA.
· There were some green slats removed from the fence that need to get put back up. (Pinevilla resident) Jamie Y. and Sydney Z will visit the Pinevilla neighbor.
New Business:
1. RESOLVED: Ms. Chase @673 Widgeon stated that she will be closing her business and will be attending the meeting.
2. RESOLVED: 732 Widgeon - Kathy Barger sent in a complaint regarding common area landscaping. Stephanie M. will send letters to both the tenant and the owners.
3. APPROVED/RESOLVED: 722 Ithaca – Heidi Markland sent in pictures of the roof shingles. Roof replacement is calendared for May16th-17th. Stephanie M. and Jamie Y. have approved. Also, Tom C., Elsie P., and Sydney Z.
4. PENDING: Mr. Valliant has a question via email regarding the HOA dues invoice. Elsie to provide update. Prior years’ shortage is the issue.
5. PENDING: 4580 Weatherby – new owner. Stephaie M. to send a Welcome letter.
6. PENDING: Email from Daniel Fisk regarding approval for solar panels. (Need to dig up email)
7. RESOLVED: Bulldog Landscaping complaint from Christie Borem. I responded to her email and let her know the company was doing a good job at a fair price. To be discussed.
8. APPROVED/RESOLVED: 4484 E Canvasback – Addition to house. To be discussed. One day of crane activity. 2 days of concrete truck.12 weeks of impact. Notify neighbors timely. Agreed.
· Received approvals from all adjoining properties.
· Windows Classic French Gray SW0077.
· Body color Modern Gray SW7632.
· Trim/Accent color Classic French Gray
Other Business:
1. To date, all but one homeowner have paid their HOA dues. Elsie to provide update.
2. Weatherby fence: Spring project. Pending.
3. Neighborhood Garage Sale: Good idea, maybe May/June; Post Falls City Annual Garage Sale. Date of June 22nd – Saturday. Advertising via sandwich boards, etc.
4. Due to a lengthy absence, Elsie P. will pay Kootenai Electric for two months and pay Bulldog upon receipt of invoices.
5. Mailbox keys.
6. Envelopes have ben proofed and ordered.
Meeting adjourned: 6:30 p.m.
March 18, 2024 - Hunters Glen HOA Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 5:03 p.m. by Sydney Zuniga. Sydney presented some ground rules in hopes for a civil and polite discussion. Any violators will be asked to leave. The Zuniga’s offer their house for the meetings and all guests will remain civil in their home.
Old Business:
1. Landscaping estimate for entry sign area: This issue was placed on hold until Spring. A comment was made to consider a $5,000 ceiling (internal).
2. Estimate for Private Drive resurfacing: Various estimates were provided to the meeting attendees. They were quite expensive. Further discussions required. This issue is also on hold until Spring.
3. 673 S. Widgeon Street: Tutoring Services: “Tater Tot Tutoring”.
4. 746 Ithaca - Christmas lights and trash cans – 2-year issue
New Business:
1. Christmas Light Removal:
2. Trashcan violations:
3. 4501 E Mossberg Circle – Received letter from resident stating a snow removal notice sent; resident claims to always keep sidewalks cleared. Resolved.
4. Hunters Glen/Pinevilla boundary fence
5. Send out “Spring Reminders” to all residents/property owners. Stephanie to draft postcard language to be sent to all homeowners, landlords, and tenants.
6. 755 Ithaca – Large oil stains on driveway and street; review CCRs on regulations. Stephanie to review CC&Rs to see what, if any, violation(s) here.
Other Business:
1. To date, all but 3 homeowners have paid their HOA dues.
2. Weatherby fence: Spring project. Still pending.
3. Neighborhood Garage Sale: Good idea, maybe May/June; Post Falls City Annual Garage Sale. Still looking for date of City’s garage sale.
4. 722 Ithaca house closed. Stephanie to send welcome letter.
5. Going forward: HOA sends three letters per violation then it is forwarded to the lawyer for review.
Meeting was opened up for any further comments or questions.
1. Clarification regarding holiday lights: Thanksgiving through January 31. Other holiday decoration/lighting may be intsalled three weeks prior to the holiday and must be removed within two weeks after the holiday
Meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm
January 16, 2024 - Hunters Glen HOA Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m at The Zuniga Residence
In attendance: Sydney Zuniga, Elsie Patrick, Tom Carli, Stephaie McDaniel, Jamie Young
Absent: Norm Sturgill, Ron Deady
Guests: Kathy Estes, Bill Estes, Paul Ottaviani, (Did not catch the name of the last resident who attended)
Old Business:
1. Assistance requested with spotting issues in the neighborhood – Trailers, campers, boats, etc.
2. Annual meeting: No outstanding issues to be addressed at this time.
3. Landscaping estimate for entry sign area: This issue was placed on hold until Spring. A comment was made to consider a $5,000 ceiling (internal).
1. There were also thoughts that a neighborhood committee/volunteers might be a less expensive solution.
2. Aspen Nursery was mentioned as a business that might provide discounts or reasonable pricing for the plants, etc.
4. Estimate for Private Drive resurfacing: Various estimates were provided to the meeting attendees. They were quite expensive. Further discussions required. This issue is also on hold until Spring.
New Business:
1. 577 Ithaca: Truck parked in driveway with a tarp placed over it. S. McDaniel sent a letter to the homeowner. The truck was removed. Resolved.
2. 673 S. Widgeon Street: Tutoring Services: See agenda notes. S. Zuniga conducted some additional research, and it appears that the tasks/services that were approved by a prior HOA board are not the tasks/services currently being provided. The initial request was for a “homeschool co-op”. The business at the residence currently holds an “LLC”, and likely a Post falls City Business License. “Tater Tot Tutoring”. Section 10.02 of the HOA’s CC&Rs states that no registered business is allowed in our development. Ms. Estes and Ms. Chase: offensive, traffic patterns, set a precedent for others. 703 S. Widgeon is up for sale due to those previously noted. J. Young and others to propose a solution after discussing with lawyer and likely homeowner.
3. Christmas Light Removal: Maybe volunteers to assist residents with light removal. Board members will be observing if all Holiday lights have been removed and reminders of that will be sent out also. Reminder will also be posted on the website News.
4. S. McDaniel: Question regarding putting reminders on the mailboxes regarding sidewalk clearing. No posting on mailboxes.
Other Business:
1. To date, 55 homeowners have paid their HOA dues. Reminders will be mailed out the end of the second week of February.
2. Weatherby fence: Spring project.
3. Neighborhood Garage Sale: Good idea, maybe May/June; Post Falls City Annual Garage Sale.
Meeting was opened up for any further comments or questions.
1. No additional comments.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.
September 25, 2023, Hunters Glen HOA Meeting
Start: 5:10pm at Post Falls Library. Adjourned: 6:30pm.
Attendees: Sydney Zuniga, Jamie Young, Elsie Patrick, Tom Carli, Ron Deady
Old Business:
a. Assistance with spotting issues in the neighborhood
i. Trailers, Campers, Boats, etc.
1. Per complaints received and having sent numerous notices, the Board reported the Canvasback jet ski trailer to the police
2. Jamie/Sydney to discuss with the owner: will the covered car on Wigeon be moving to the driveway or garage?
3. CCRs not checked, but the Board thinks it is fine to leave functioning vehicles parked on gravel side areas
ii. Welcome Reminders to Send:
1. Klaus’ renter in Mossberg Circle
2. New renters: first house on the right on Ithaca
iii. For the private portion of Weatherby, consider painting “no parking” on the areas, with the eventual repaving project, meant for vehicle turnaround and snow removal
b. Any follow-up that is needed from the annual meeting? See New Business discussion.
New Business:
a. Request to purchase three more announcement signs so each mailbox has a sign in the future
i. Price: $22 per sign; approximately $75 total. Jamie motioned, Tom seconded; Sydney/Elsie approved. Jamie to purchase and be reimbursed.
b. Landscaping estimate for entry sign in 2024: the Board has not yet reached a decision
i. Bulldog: $950 to replace the plastic edging with staked metal edging; move around plants for future growth spacing; remove dying plants
1. Currently handling neighborhood greenspace landscaping
2. Will also begin taking care of the weeds and overgrown bushes on the pathway access to Woodland
3. Elsie will also followup with Dave (on Mossberg Circle) to trim trees along neighborhood pathways, as he has time to volunteer
ii. Preferred Landscaping: $4,730 for complete renovation of sign landscaping. Details can be obtained from Sydney Zuniga by emailing
c. Estimate for Private Drive resurfacing: the Board has not yet reached a decision
i. Hunters Glen HOA is responsible for landscaping and asphalt maintenance of the Kiwanis Park (SW corner of Ithaca) and Woodland (NE corner of Weatherby) access pathways
ii. Elsie to ask contractors their quotes for only filling cracks, not repaving all pathways and private portion of Weatherby
iii. NW Parking Lot Surfaces: $16,235
1. See also Item 2f. Elsie will clarify whether the quote includes adding 4 folding posts at the Kiwanis Park and Woodland access pathways
iv. Another quote is still due to Elsie
d. 673 S. Widgeon Street – Tutoring Services
i. Complaint bought up in the past by the same neighbor and response by the previous Board has responded with the following statements allowing it. (previous email handed to Board)
1. Jamie and Sydney to reach out to Paul and Karen, the neighbors with the dispute.
2. Ask Karen to have her students’ parents park in her driveway during dropoff/pickup
e. Any other business? See Items f, g, h.
f. Neighborhood fire escape option via Woodland access path
i. The fire marshall thinks the existing posts will need replaced
g. Elsie will be reaching out regarding these clarifications with the attorney
i. Can the Board expand the color palette, or would this require 75% members of the HOA to approve?
ii. Confirm the Board can increase dues annually by up to 10%
iii. Understand the logistics for special assessment project funding, including County filing
iv. Does the Board have any recourse for noncompliance with CCRs and Architectural Guidelines? (for example: trailers and trash cans visible out front and poor yard condition
h. Elsie to compile a list of renters
NEXT MEETING: November 20, 2023, at 5pm at the Post Falls Library Meeting Room 2
August 26, 2023, Hunters Glen HOA Annual Board Meeting Minutes
Private Drive – Weatherby
In attendance: Sydney Zuniga, Elsie Patrick, Tom Carli, Ron Deady, Jamie Young, Stephanie McDaniel
Absent: Norm Sturgill
Meeting called to order at 10:00 a.m.
President: Sydney Zuniga (completed 1 year)
Vice President: Jamie Young
Treasurer: Elsie Patrick (completed 1 year)
Secretary: Stephanie McDaniel
Member at Large (voting): Tom Carli (completed one year)
Members at Large (non-voting): Norm Sturgill (completed one year) and Ron Deady
President Sydney Zuniga:
1. Welcome statement.
2. Reminder that the board is all volunteers.
3. Reminder that some board positions will be open next year; please consider serving.
4. No longer renting the Kiwanis Park Pavillion for $200/meeting.
5. There was a question regarding title transfer fees when a homeowner leaves the HOA.
6. The landscaping company is reliable and easy to work with to date. Trimming trees in the common areas was not part of the contract and will be revisited in the future.
7. There will be snow removal on the private road during winter.
8. HOA fees- WE have the lowest in the areas. They will need to be raised 10% for the coming year. The new amount is $219.62.
9. Landscaping in general: Brown spots, different weeds, and grass issues for everyone this year.
1. Trash cans need to be taken up and stored properly within 12 hours of trash pick-up.
2. RVs, PWCs, Watercraft (boats/jet skis), trailers, etc. ,must be moved within 48 hours of parking on the street or driveway, to behind a fence or in a garage (Reference Hunters Glen HOA CCRs Section 10.03)
3. Hard copies of the CCRs were mentioned as being available.
4. No speeding. 25 mph limit.
5. There was a question about a blinking Post Falls P.D. speed monitor. It costs money.
6. Fireworks: Only legal ones are allowed. Contact the Post Falls P.D. if otherwise.
Treasurer Elsie Patrick reviewed the P&L statement and took several questions.
General Questions:
1. Are political signs allowed in people’s front yards? They are allowed during campaign season.
4. 55-3209. POLITICAL SIGNS. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, no homeowner’s association may add, amend, or enforce any covenant, condition, or restriction in such a way that prohibits or has the effect of prohibiting the display of a political sign.
5. Flags at houses must not contain foul or offensive language.
6. The walkway at the north end. Fire department access. Elsie P. to follow-up.
Next meeting is Monday, Sept. 25, 2023, at 5:00 at the Post Falls Library, Meeting Room 1.
June 6, 2023, Hunters Glen HOA Board Meeting Minutes
Post Falls Public Library, 821 N. Spokane St, Post Falls, ID.
In attendance: Sydney Zuniga, Elsie Patrick, Tom Carli, Ron Deady
Absent: Norm Sturgill
Guest: Jamie Young
Meeting called to order at 6:00
Open position on the HOA Board – Vice President, Norm Pietti stepped down due to moving.
Suggested party - Jamie Young – Motion granted to vote Jamie in as VP as of June 6, 2023
Old Business:
1) HOA dues: 1 homeowner with outstanding fees; CPA and Treasurer are addressing the issue.
2) Snow removal next winter:
a) Put contract in place with same company as last year, look into plowing sidewalk as well.
3) Holiday Light& Trash Can from previous notices:
i) Received feedback from one house regarding both issues - President would like to talk to in-person with one house who received letter that did not want to take lights down. – President and VP will address
ii) One other house still has lights up. – Another notice will be sent
New Business:
4) Private Road cracks
a) Fix cracks in asphalt.
b) Need to see if the board is responsible for sidewalk in that area as well.
5) Neighborhood clean-up going issues: Create a postcard reminder to send to each house.
a) Trash can
b) Trees/bushes that over-hang onto the sidewalk
c) Front yard clean-up
d) Fence repair
e) Basketball hoops on the street
f) Boat, unused vehicle, golf cart, camper, RV or trailer parked on the street or on the front of the property for more than 48 hours.
6) How to send out letters going forward?
a) By email, mail, place in front door. Will discuss further at subsequent meeting.
7) Approvals/FYI’s that have already taken place:
a) 4747 E Mossberg Circle - Verification a back deck didn’t need approval.
b) 4446 E. Canvasback Ave. – Hardscaping in backyard, wanted the HOA to be aware
8) Approvals needed:
a) None at this time!
9) Any other business
a) Complaints of speeding in the neighborhood on a dirt bike, this was brought to our attention. Rider was informed.
10) Notices sent/to be sent:
a) 4361 E Weatherby Ave - RV/Camper parked for more than 24 hours on street.
b) 732 S Widgeon St. – front yard
c) 4682 E Weatherby Ave – RV/Camper and Vehicle parked for more than 24 hours on street.
11) Complaints of crab grass in the common areas – the landscapers are doing their best.
12) Reminder: Please try and welcome newcomers to the neighborhood! We’ve had a few in that last couple of months.
13) Annual HOA general meeting
a) Where? Center of Mossberg Circle, ask neighbors and Post Falls PD if we can close off for approx. 2 hrs.
b) When? Aug. 26 10am – 12 pm
14) Any other business?
a) Request from the HOA Secretary to resign from position and become an At-Large non-voting position on the Board – Secretary position OPEN again.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:22 pm.
Next meeting is August 26, 2023 – Annual HOA General Meeting
Agenda for April 4 HOA Board Meeting Minutes
Hunters Glen HOA Board Meeting Minutes
Post Falls Public Library, 821 N. Spokane St, Post Falls, ID.
In attendance: Sydney Zuniga, Elsie Patrick, Tom Carli, Norm Piette
Absent: Norm Sturgill
Guests: Ron Deady
Meeting called to order at 4:00 p.m.
1) Old Business
a) Open position on the HOA Board
i) Interest parties that have contacted the Board –
(a) Ron Deady - Motion granted to vote Ron in as Secretary as of 4/4/2023.
ii) New contract has been established for landscaping - Bulldog Lawn and Landscape
· When do they start? Started the same week as the meeting.
2) New Business:
a) HOA dues - any still outstanding? 2 dues are still outstanding.
b) Sidewalks – Prior to next winter need to send reminders to homeowners that sidewalks in front of their house is their responsibility to clear
c) Snow removal next winter – Put contract in place by mid-fall, consider using the same company
d) Newcomers to the neighborhood – HOA board needs to start greeting new homeowning in Hunters Glen.
e) Holiday Lights:
i) Notices sent out to 8 houses on March 8; looks like only two have taken them down. Will be sending out a second notice before the end of this week.
ii) Received feedback from one house asking if they could keep them up year-round.
f) Trash can:
i) Notices were sent out to 4 houses, looks like 3 of them have complied with this request.
g) Spring Clean-up – Signs will be posted around the neigborhood to let everyone know about the cleanup and remind them about the Post Falls pickup on 4/29
i) Trees over-hang onto the sidewalk
ii) Fence repair
h) Approvals that have already taken place:
i) 4157, 4191 and 4215 E. Weatherby neighboring fence (Ron Deady) – 6’ vinyl khaki fence
i) Homeowner letting us know of possible changes to their house:
i) 4747 E Mossberg Circle (Steve & Kathy Robinson) – Possibly adding solar panels to their roof – Idaho state law attached to discuss if needed.
ii) 4747 E Mossberg Circle (Steve & Kathy Robinson) – Placing a deck in the backyard with a pergola.
· Informed the homeowner that the deck would not be an issue, but we would like to review the pergola to verify that it’s not an issue with the neighbors.
j) Any other business?
Landscaping the sign – see if current lawn service will bid
Wasp nest is gone
Complaint regarding dirt bikes being ridden around the neighborhood
Meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm.
Next meeting is June 6, 2023 @ 6:00pm
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Hunters Glen HOA Board Meeting Minutes
Post Falls Public Library, 821 N. Spokane St, Post Falls, ID.
In attendance: Sydney Zuniga, Elsie Patrick, Holly Mallette, Norm Sturgill, Norm Piette
Absent: Tom Carli
Guests: Dale and Pat Orth
Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m.
Old Business:
1. Discussion of Landscaping for the common grounds
Elsie informed us that a company is coming on Feb 2ndto give their bid.
We will continue to pursue an acceptable bid for the 2023 year.
2. Discussion took place regarding the necessity of a sign for the private drive. Suggestions were made that the 10 houses that are affected by people parking/driving through there may be able to put up a sign such as Private Dr-No public parking or access
New Business:
1. Holly is leaving Idaho and her position on the board as Secretary will need to be filled
Norm and Sydney will reach out to a few people for possible replacement.
Sydney will place in the News section of our website the need for a volunteer for this postion.
The current board members will continue to absorb the secretarial duties until a replacement has been found.
2. We also will need a volunteer to store the 2 totes of Holiday Lights and this will also be added to the News section.
3. Cracks in Private Drive pavement
Elsie will look up who was contracted last year to see if there was a warranty on their work.
4. Roofing approval for 4485 E Canvasback Ave. -Voted and approved.
5. Roofing approval for 4630 E Weatherby - Voted and approved.
6. Roofing, siding, and replacement door/windows at 4879 E Mossberg Cir. - Voted and approved.
7. To date, 99 homeowners have paid their HOA dues. Reminders will be mailed out the end of the second week of February.
8. Board members will be observing if all Holiday lights have been removed and reminders of that will be sent out also. Reminder will also be posted on the website News.
9. We had another discussion about the political signs and confirmed these signs should be taken down immediately following elections.
Meeting was opened for any further comments or questions.
1. It was restated that the snow removal of sidewalks is a city ordinance as is the street parking.
2. There is a big wasp nest on one of the lights of the common ground and Norm Piette will contact the city about its removal.
3. It was stated that a newsletter will go out in the spring to remind everyone about trimming trees and bushes that are encroaching on the sidewalks/streets.
4. There was a lot of damage to fences this winter so we may need to check that they have been repaired/replaced for safety reasons. It was suggested that this be included in the newsletter this spring.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.
Next meeting is Wednesday, April 12, 2023 @ 6:30pm
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Hunters Glen HOA Board Meeting Minutes
Post Falls Public Library, 821 N. Spokane St, Post Falls, ID.
Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m.
In attendance: Tom Carli, Elsie Patrick, Sydney Zuniga, Holly Mallette
Absent: Norm Piette, Norm Sturgill
Old Business:
1. Further discussion of sign for Private Dr in the Spring.
2. Any further trimming of trees/shrubs to be addressed in Spring.
3. Will continue to contemplate forming a sub-committee to oversee the neighborhood/grounds.
New Business:
1. Discuss need for contracts with regards to landscaping and snow removal
2. Decision to keep current snow removal company for the remainder of 2022-2023 season
3. Still looking for recommendations for new snow removal company for the 2023-2024 season.
4. Approved request of new roof at 4708 E Weatherby
5. Reviewed the CC&Rs and will reject request for fence at 4525 E Mossberg Cir and will supply
alternative recommendations.
6. Discussed options for encouragment of association participation.
7. Discussed location options for future general meetings.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Next meeting is February 1, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. To be held at Post Falls Public Library.
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Hunters Glen HOA Board Meeting Minutes
Post Falls Public Library, 821 N Spokane St, Post Falls, ID
Meeting called to order at 6:34 p.m.
In attendance: Tom Carli, Matt Deveney, Holly Mallette, James McGowan, Elsie Patrick, Norm Piette, Norm Sturgill, Cheryl Tanner, Sydney Zuniga
Guests: Russell Bartlett, Sharon Piette, Dale Smith
1. Introductions
2. Old Business
- James suggested new board members consider forming subcommittees to handle landscape/common grounds and architectural changes
3. New board communication
- Holly will work on a mail-out to all homeowners introducing the new board members and other pertinent information
- Cheryl to email contact list to all board members
4. Reviewed two landscape bids for next year
- New board will continue to collect bids and discuss
5. Reviewed the most common issues regarding HOA violations
6. HOA dues will be increasing by 10% in 2023
Next meeting is Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. at the Post Falls Public Library.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, September 24, 2022
Hunters Glen HOA Board Meeting Minutes
Kiwanis Park
Meeting called to order at 5:31 pm
In attendance: Matt Balm, James McGowan, Cheryl Tanner
Absent: Elsie Patrick, Mike Deveney
Guests: Lonny & Sydney Zuniga, Doug & Holly Mallette, Norm & Grace Sturgill, Tom Carli, Norm & Sharon Piette, Erica McGowan
1. Reviewed open board positions, duties and questions regarding responsibilities.
2. New board members voted in:
- President: Sydney Zuniga
- Vice President: Norm Piette
- Secretary: Holly Mallette
- Member at large (voting): Tom Carli
- Member at large (non-voting): Norm Sturgill
Meeting adjourned at 6:06 pm
Saturday, September 17, 2022
Hunters Glen HOA Board Annual General Meeting Minutes
Kiwanis Park
Meeting called to order at 4:05 pm
Board members in attendance: James McGowan, Cheryl Tanner
Absent: Elsie Patrick, Mike Deveney, Matt Balm
Homeowner attendance: 17
1. Board member & new homeowner introductions
2. Gail Butler recognize as treasurer
· Elsie Patrick voted in as treasurer at last board meeting
3. Call for new Board members
· If you’re interested in being on the board please contact the board
· There will be a follow-up meeting in the next week
4. James recommended we use an HOA management company
· This would cost less than $100/year per homeowner
5. HOA dues
· Dues will be increasing next year by 10%
· Majority of fees go to maintaining common grounds
· Question was raised if we could use the land behind Weatherby homes (unlikely)
6. Issues with landscape contractor
· We are looking for bids from new contractors
7. Lots of questions about the board and how it functions
8. Homeowner suggested getting a sign stating Weatherby is a private road
Meeting adjourned at 4:56 PM
Thursday, September 15, 2022
Hunters Glen HOA Board Meeting Minutes
4679 E Mossberg Cir
In attendance: Matt Balm, James McGowan, Cheryl Tanner
Absent: Elsie Patrick, Mike Deveney
Meeting called to order at 6:31 p.m.
1. Reviewed items to be discussed at AGM
2. Voted in Elsie Patrick as Treasurer
Meeting adjourned at 7:26 pm
Thursday, July 20, 2022
Hunters Glen HOA Board Meeting Minutes
4679 E Mossberg Cir
Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m.
In attendance: Matt Balm, Mike Deveney, James McGowan, Cheryl Tanner
Guest: Elsie Patrick
Absent: Gail Butler
1. Board needs more volunteers
· Gail resigned, but will maintain treasurer duties until September
· Cheryl resigned, but will help transition to a new secretary
· Looking at options to hire a property management company
· Dues will increase regardless to adjust to rising costs
2. Received a check from the Robisons for the legal fees associated with the roof violation
3. AGM focus will be on:
· recruiting new board members
· creating a process to maintain and improve the desirability of neighborhood
4. James asked Alpine for a quote on a new sprinkler timers that can be properly grounded and locked
5. Elsie has suggestions regarding approving landscaping around the sign and will discuss with James and Jordan
Next meeting is September 17, 2022.
Adjourned at 7:24 p.m.
Thursday, June 9, 2022
Hunters Glen HOA Board Meeting Minutes
4331 E Weatherby Ave
Meeting called to order at 6:36 p.m.
In attendance: Matt Balm, Gail Butler, Mike Deveney, James McGowan, Cheryl Tanner
1. Roof replaced at 4747 E Mossberg Cir without Board approval
Board voted 4:1 in favor (Gail voted against) of allowing the change based on the following conditions:
- Any future changes to the property are submitted to the Board prior to project commencement.
- The homeowners will reimburse the Board for the legal fees associated with this violation.
Will send out additional letters to other homeowners that have made changes without preapproval from the board.
Meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m.
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Hunters Glen HOA Board Meeting Minutes
4331 E Weatherby Ave
Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm
In attendance: Matt Balm, Gail Butler, Mike Deveney, James McGowan, Cheryl Tanner
Old business
1. Still waiting on snow removal invoice
2. Improving landscaping around sign. James will meet with Jordan to discuss
3. McRay complaint, we will invite her to the next meeting on May 19
4. AGM is scheduled for September 17
5. Spring update
6. Budget review
New business
1. AGM agenda
2. Three outstanding accounts with HOA dues
Meeting adjourned at 7:49 p.m. Next meeting on May 19, 2022.
Thursday, February 10, 2022
Hunters Glen HOA Board Meeting Minutes
4331 E. Weatherby Ave
Meeting called to order at 6:35 pm
In attendance: Matt Balm, Gail Butler, Mike Deveney, James McGowan, Cheryl Tanner
Old business
1. Access road rock complaint resolved
2. Letter to 4525 seemed to work, consult with lawyer on next violation
3. Did not hang Christmas lights this year
4. Check if board job descriptions are in the bylaws, if not we should document
5. Complaint regarding trash cans left out on weatherby resolved
New business
1. 2022 AGM to be scheduled for September 10 or 17th
2. McRay complaint - we will offer attendance at next meeting or a special meeting as most issues were addressed in previous emails
3. James to contact Jordan to see if we can add to sine landscaping
4. Reviewed budget
5. 524 Ithaca side-by-side parked in driveway, need to send letter
6. Gail proposed we send a spring update to remind homeowners about upkeep, taking down christmas decorations, etc.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Next meeting is scheduled for March 24, 2022.
Thursday, December 2, 2021
Hunters Glen HOA Board Meeting Minutes
4331 E. Weatherby Ave
Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm
In attendance: Matt Balm, Gail Butler, Mike Deveney, James McGowan, Cheryl Tanner
1. Old business
- Followed up on complaints regarding boulders placed on the Weatherby access road. These were placed there to prevent damage to the sprinklers/grass.
- board will look into letters from our attorney to bring 4525 Mossberg Cir into compliance
2. Christmas lights
- Matt, James and Mike would like to decorate the sign
3. Board duties
- question came up whether these are formalized in bylaws
- general descriptions for more involved positions would be helpful when positions transition
4. Other items:
- increase in speeding on Weatherby
- rental on Weatherby is leaving trash cans out (board to contact property management company)
Meeting adjourned at 7:32 pm.
Next meeting is scheduled for February 3, 2022.
Saturday, September 11, 2021
Hunters Glen Homeowners Annual General Meeting
Kiwanis Park Pavillion
Meeting called to order at 4:00 pm
1. Discussed landscaping around sign.
2. Many complaints about the mess left by TDS when working on their cable line.
3. Homeowner suggested we do community activities so neighbors can get to know each other.
It was suggested to be neighborly and friendly and reach out to others if you feel they need help.
4. Landscaping people still need to add soil and grass seed where the stump is at entrance to our property.
Meeting adjourned at 4:30 pm
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Hunters Glen HOA Board Meeting Minutes
4331 E. Weatherby Ave
Meeting called to order at 6:34 pm
In attendance: Matt Balm, Gail Butler, Mike Deveney, James McGowan, Cheryl Tanner
1. Old business
- Landline for HOA is now disconnected
- AGM is on September 11, 2021
- Sign is paid in full
2. Landscaping for sign
- Received a bid from Alpine and will look into getting a few more for comparison
3. Flags
- Board reviewed CC&Rs section 10.04 and agreed there are no restrictions in terms of flags
- Political sign restrictions were discussed and tabled
4. Accountant
- Our accountant increased rates from $500 to $750
- Gail motioned and Mike seconded to continue using these services at the increased rate
5. AGM
- Need to decide which board positions are up for renewal
- Cheryl will send the info for the AGM post cards to the printer
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm. Next meeting scheduled for Sept 9, 2021.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Hunters Glen HOA Board Meeting Minutes
4331 E. Weatherby Ave
Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm
In attendance: Matt Balm, Gail Butler, Mike Deveney, James McGowan, Cheryl Tanner
1. HOA phone line
- Board agreed that a landline is no longer needed
- Gail to cancel
2. 2021 AGM
- Booked for September 11, 2021, at 4:00 pm in Kiwanis Park
3. Sign
- Frame and footings complete
- Sign and stone will be next
- Waiting on contractors
- Will schedule time to talk to Jordan from Alpine about landscaping
4. Tree
- Gail will get quotes on grinding stump and cleaning up area where Cottonwood was removed
5. Misc items
- residents parking too close to intersection on Weatherby & Ithaca
- need to monitor yards
Meeting adjourned at 7:23